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PMF743-4 AC Motor Control

PMF743-4 AC Motor Control

PMF Series

The PMF Series is the latest offering in a growing list of VFDs from American Control Electronics. Able to control 115 and 230 VAC, single and three phase motors, the PMF Series is designed to meet the market demands of VFD users who wish to simply run their motors without the complicated menu-driven setup typical of most VFDs today.

The onboard microprocessor allows for custom programming for OEMs. Whether it’s as simple as changing the purpose of a jumper, input, or trim pot, to programming entire routines and behaviors specific only to the OEMs application, the PMF is great for integrating PLC like functionality into your operation. Doing this can eliminate the need of a separate PLC altogether or enhance a system that currently does not have one.

The PMF Series has been tested to the 61800-5-1 Standard and is UL listed in the US and Canada, and includes isolation for remote control from an analog signal.

AC & DC Manuals

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Enclosure Maximum
Power Range Braking Reversing Isolation
PMF743-4 NEMA 4X 4* 115 / 230 - 1Ø 115 - 1Ø & 3Ø 1/16 - 1/2 .05 - .37 Yes
(DC Injection)
Yes 0 ± 5 VDC
0 ± 10 VDC
4-20 mA
230 - 1Ø & 3Ø 1/8 - 1 .09 - .75

* When mounted to allow upwards airflow through the heat sink fins. De-rate to 3.0 amps when mounted in any other configuration.

UL 61800-5-1 Listed: Tested to the latest UL standard

NEMA 4X Enclosure: Plastic corrosion resistant weatherproof enclosure that protects against dirt and splashing

Microprocessor Based: Allows custom programming for OEMs

Variety of Motors: Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC), Shaded Pole, Synchronous, and 3Ø Induction

Doubler Mode: Will run 230 VAC motors with a 115 VAC line

Torque Foldback: Allows up to 200% torque for short periods to overcome intermittent peak loads, then reduces the torque to a (preset) safe level

Isolated Logic: Accepts floating or grounded 0±5 VDC, 0±10 VDC, or 4-20 mA signals

Adjustable Base Frequency: Can be set for 50 or 60 Hz at rated output voltage, regardless of input frequency

Selectable Switching Frequency: 16kHz for audibly quieter motor operation, 1.6kHz for less electrical noise and may prevent GFI tripping.

DC Injection Braking: Can be used for quicker braking

Dump Circuitry: Internal circuitry for the hookup of an external dump resistor

Quadrature Encoder Option: For OEM applications, the drive can be programmed to follow quadrature encoder feedback without any circuitry changes

Thermally Protects: Drive recognizes when overheated as a result from overload. After flashing a warning code, it will trip if condition persists

Diagnostic LEDs: Power, Status (Torque Limit, Undervoltage, Overvoltage, Short Circuit, Overtemperature Warning, Overtemperature Trip)

User Adjustable Calibration Trim Pots: Minimum Speed, Maximum Speed, Torque Limit, Slip Compensation, Boost, Acceleration, Deceleration, Brake Voltage, Brake Time-out