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ValueModeDescriptionApplies to products...
1 JOG MODE Uses both switch inputs to move the motor in one direction or the other for the number of steps set by the "B" command. EZSV10
2 LIMIT MODE This prevents the motor from moving the axis past the opto limits.
4 SWITCH MOVE MODE Moves the motor in one direction or the other using the two switch inputs. Motor will spin as long as the button is held down.
8 POSITION CORRECT MODE This enables position correction on stepper motors equiped with an encoder. The encoder ratio is set using the "aE" command.
16 REPORT OVERLOAD MODE Setting this makes the stepper report step losses on motors equiped with encoders but does not correct the position.
32 STEP & DIRECTION MODE This makes the motor move in response to pulses on switch input #1. The direction is determined by switch input #2.
64 SLAVE TO COUNTER MODE In conjuction with Step & Direction Mode, allows the motor to follow a quadrature encoder that is connected to switch inputs 1 & 2.
128 ENCODER MODE Reserved Mode.
256 REPLY INHIBIT MODE When this is set, the unit will not send responses to commands.
512 ERROR RECOVERY BIT 0 MODE Chooses what EEProm program will run to allow the unit to recover from repeated step loss errors set by the "au" command. If bit 0 is set and bit 1 is 0, EEProm program #13 will execute. If bit 0 is 0 and bit 1 is set, EEProm program #14 will execute. If both bits are set, EEProm program #15 will execute.
2048 CURRENT LIMIT MODE This allows the current to the motor to be modulated by the voltage on the OPTO 2 input. This applies to EZSV10 only.
4096 SEND STEP PULSES MODE This allows the EZSV23 to control another EZSV23 by being a master while the other servo slaves to it.
8192 A/D FOR INPUT POSITION MODE Allows the user to command the absolute position of the servo with a voltage to OPTO 2 input.
16384 STOP MOVES SWITCH 0 MODE Causes switch input #1 to act as kill switch to stop motion of the motor.
32768 STOP MOVES SWITCH 1 MODE Causes switch input #2 to act as kill switch to stop motion of the motor.
65536 A/D FOR INPUT VELOCITY MODE Allows the user to control the velocity of the motor with a voltage on OPTO 1 input.